Year 6 Class 2
Welcome to Year 6 Class 2
Mrs Joo
Welcome to our class page. During the year, we are going to update this page with our latest newsletters, information and photographs of the children's learning.
How can I support my child at home with their learning?
At Howe Dell, we use Google Classrooms to share home learning with parents. All children have been given a username and password. Please speak to your class teacher if you are not sure how to login.
> On a PC (laptop/desktop computer):
To login to the Google Classroom, pupils need to visit and log in using the details their teacher has provided for them.
> On a mobile device (tablet/smartphone):
Google Classroom is best accessed through the dedicated Google Classroom app which is available on the App Store.
Maths | My Maths | Times Table Rock Stars |
| Letter-join |
Wider Curriculum | Curriculum Visions
Curriculum Flyers
Meet The Teacher PowerPoint
Autumn term learning in 6.2
Do you know your statutory spellings? Here is a list of spellings you are expected to know, and be using in your writing, by the end of Year 6.