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Howe Dell Primary School

Breakfast and Runway Club

Extended Services


Howe Dell have many Extended Services available including a Breakfast Club, Runway Club and Holiday Playschemes as well as many after school clubs running on site. For after school clubs please see the clubs section on the website.


For any additional information on how to register your child to the Breakfast or Runway Club or when the Holiday Playschemes run please call the school office on 01707 263291.

Extended Services Mobile Number


In case of an emergency and you are running late to collect your child from the Runway Club please call 07782 790 118 or alternatively call the school on 01707 263291 ext 2 and ask to speak to someone at the Runway Club. Thank you.

Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club runs from Monday to Friday during term time between 7.45am and 8.45am. It is available to children who attend Howe Dell School in Reception to Year 6.


Children are given a healthy breakfast and get the chance to catch up with friends.

Prices: £7.00 per session

            £6.00 for siblings

Runway Club


Runway Club runs from Monday to Friday during term time between 3.15pm and 6.00pm. It is available to children who attend Howe Dell School in Reception to Year 6.

Children have the opportunity to take part in lots of indoor and outdoor activities, have a snack and have lots of fun!


Prices:  £12.50 per session
             £11.50 for siblings



If a child is collected late from school and the child is placed in Afterschool Club, the charge will increase to £12.50.


Adhoc places will be offered (if available). If your child is registered the cost would be £12.50, for non-registered children, the cost is £15.00. Sibling discount is not available for adhoc sessions.

Extended Services Staff List


Lorna ConneryExtended Services Administrator
Sharon WorsleyExtended Services Manager
Umarah SaldinExtended Services Deputy Manager
Valmira LokajBreakfast Club Assistant
Penny LowdeBreakfast Club Assistant
Sam MarshRunway Club Assistant
Penny GallowayRunway Club Assistant
Emma DemianykRunway Club Assistant
Androulla PhillipsRunway Club Assistant
Hanna HartRunway Club Assistant
Jo JorgeRunway Club Assistant






A very warm welcome back to all our families using our Extended Services. We have had a fantastic first month back, with lots of new activities and ideas to ensure your children have the best time.

We look forward to another fun filled year, providing wrap around care for all who need it.

If you have any enquiries, ideas or questions, please do speak to one of our staff members when dropping off or collecting your children, we are always more than happy to listen.smiley

You can contact Extended Services directly by calling the school on 01707 263291 and choose extension 2 or use our mobile 07782 790 118 . You can speak to a member of staff between 7:30am and 9:00am and  3pm and 6.15pm or you can leave a message outside these hours. If you have questions about waiting lists or fees please contact the school office.

Here are some photos of different activities we have done this term.

Contract and Registration Form - Updated 31/03/2023

Please also refer to school policies for Behaviour, Child Protection, Confidentiality, Complaints, Equal Opportunities, Equality Scheme, Health and Safety, Intimate Care, Safeguarding, SEND, Medical and additional policies.

  • Howe Dell Primary School
  • The Runway, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AH
  • 01707 263291