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Howe Dell Primary School


At Howe Dell our Education for Sustainable Development empowers all learners with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to take informed decisions and make responsible actions for the environment. Our ESD opportunities are linked to our CUSP resources and curriculum learning to support children in making connections between the curriculum and real life events to aid them in shaping a sustainable future. Through our teaching of the curriculum teachers plan and deliver thinking tasks that consider environmental impact, sustainable development, cultural awareness and cultural diversity. For example, in year 1 when teaching the children about trees in science, we conduct a local area study to identify what trees are around our school. We considered the importance of trees and the impact of deforestation on animals. In Year 6 the children consider seasonal produce within their Food and Nutrition DT unit and therefore, how this can reduce their carbon footprint.

Eco Squad

World Ocean Day 2023

Litter picking and Keep Hatfield tidy event 2023

Big bird watch 2023

Spring 2022

Autumn 2021: Howe Dell are trying to raise £60 to donate to 'Toilet Twining' and support another community in accessing clean safe toilets.

Autumn Term 2021-22 Year 4 took part in a BBC Live lesson called Regenerator Climate Change. The aim of this I've lesson was to inspire children to live a greener life and encourage others to look after the planet. Year 4 were very excited to have some of their pledges read out during the lesson.

Autumn Term 2021-22 Waste Awareness Workshop.

Autumn Term 2021-22 Enjoying our school grounds.

Autumn Term 2021-22 The children were very proud to donate our home grown apples to our local food bank.

Green Flag 2021

Eco Committee 2023 



We started the year by joining the Big Bird watch. 

We loved using the equipment to spot birds far away and became more aware of how our environment in the school impacts wildlife. 

  • Howe Dell Primary School
  • The Runway, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AH
  • 01707 263291