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Howe Dell Primary School

Year 1 Class 1

Year 1


How can I support my child at home with their learning?

At Howe Dell, we use Google Classrooms to share home learning with parents. All children have been given a username and password. Please speak to your class teacher if you are not sure how to login.


> On a PC (laptop/desktop computer):

To login to the Google Classroom, pupils need to visit and log in using the details their teacher has provided for them.


> On a mobile device (tablet/smartphone):

Google Classroom is best accessed through the dedicated Google Classroom app which is available on the App Store.


My Maths

Times Table Rock Stars

Num Bots


Phonics and Writing


Little Wandle


Collins ebooks



Wider Curriculum

Curriculum Visions






Meet the Teacher

Spring Term

1.1 had an amazing time visiting Hertfordshire Zoo. We attended a workshop and continued to learn about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. We loved getting to see all of these animal groups around the zoo.

1.1 had a great time celebrating World Book Day. We created our own monster and used adjectives to describe it, had a story swap with Year 4, wrote our own books and met the author Luke Temple in our workshop.

1.1 enjoyed creating their own hungry caterpillar using fruit and vegetables as part of our HCL workshop today.

1.1 enjoyed making cowboy caviar and tortilla cups as part of Food Festival Week. We continued to practice our cutting skills using the bridge method.

1.1 enjoyed playing a game to practice counting back from 20 in Maths.

1.1 have been learning about measures in Maths. They worked in groups to order objects from lightest to heaviest.

1.1 have enjoyed reading our whole school text 'And Tango Makes Three' in English. Earlier this week they worked together to sequence pictures from the story in the correct order.

Autumn Term

In DT 1.1 worked in groups and applied their knowledge of ways to join cardboard to build their own structure.

1.1 were exploring different ways of joining cardboard to see which was the most stable in DT.

In D&T, the class enjoyed working together to build towers with different shaped foundation blocks. They also took on the challenge of building the tallest tower using the fewest blocks.

1.1 enjoyed using actions, pathways and counts to create their own dance in PE.

1.1 used different textured papers to create a surface and they painted this with the primary colours.

1.1 were working hard to remember their Geography learning about the 7 continents and the 5 oceans. They worked as a group to complete the jigsaw and piece together the continents and oceans.

1.1 enjoyed using their D&T design to start making their moving pictures using a slot slider.

In our PSHE lesson we were talking about different feelings and the children drew a picture of something they are proud of.

1.1 were practicing weaving to create a pattern in D&T.

1.1 were working hard in Maths. They were making groups of objects and comparing them using our star words, more and fewer.

  • Howe Dell Primary School
  • The Runway, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AH
  • 01707 263291