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Howe Dell Primary School

Children's Council

Smart School Council helps every child to engage and lead change in their world through democracy.

The programme, run by our Communication Team, enables every child’s voice to be involved in topical discussions while they are at school, and that pupils can learn a broad range of key skills as a result.


 Our Smart School Council is helping our young people to: 

  • Learning to work together
  • Learning about democracy and pupil voice
  • Learning how to play a positive role in our community


 It is for everyone in our school, helping pupils to: 

  • Find things they want to change
  • Come up with ways to make them better
  • Put those ideas into action
  • See what works (evaluating)

Our Smart School Council is driven by our Communication Team, who decide and circulate a question of the half term. They then work together with the action team to ensure that suggestions , made by their peers across the school, are then discussed and acted upon, where possible. 



Our Communication Team 2023-2024

Summer 2 2024 meeting outcomes 

This term, the Communication Team wanted to find out a little about how we can work together as a school to help support the children's wellbeing. 

As a group, they chose a Smart School Council question of 'Children's Mental Health Week was 6th-12th February, the theme was 'Let's connect'. How can we improve how we connect with others at school?' 


Staff have been notified of the outcomes, and this will be discussed at out next Professional Development session as staff. The communication Team were suprised about the outcomes, as they felt that most classes allow children to work with their friends anyway. The main action from our meeting was to discuss the buddy system. Miss Madden will be taking this to the Quality of Education team to discuss possibilities of this for the next academic year. 


See the results of our questions below and the buddy system ideas that the team had in out meeting. 



'Children's Mental Health Week was 6th-12th February, the theme was 'Let's connect'. How can we improve how we connect with others at school?' 


  1.  Have more opportunities for different classes to get together
  2.  Hold a special event in school, which includes invites for parents/carers.
  3.  Have a buddy system connecting students from different year groups
  4.  More opportunities to work with your friends in the classroom
  5.  Hold a Mental Health afternoon once a term to 'check in' with buddies or friends

Summer 1 2024 meeting outcomes


This term the Communication Team wanted to find out a little bit more about some of the suggestions that the children have been making. 

They asked the question, " You have made lots of suggestions about different clubs. Which one would you prefer to join?"


Staff have been notified of the outcomes and these suggestions can be looked into going forward into the autumn term when new clubs are organised. 



How can we improve the local community?


  1. A road safety campaign
  2. Tidy up the area around the school e.g. litter picking
  3. Create compost bins and offer this to residents for their green spaces.
  4. Have reducing pollution posters or walk to school posters around the school.

Spring 2 2024 meeting outcomes. 


The Communication Team wanted to find out how we could improve local community around the school grounds.

See the results below. 

Staff have been informed of the outcomes and our school Eco Squad are acting upon the outcomes later on this term. 



You have made lots of suggestions about clubs. Which one would you prefer to join?


  1.  Multi-sports club
  2.  Coding club
  3.  Creative club- Art
  4.  Running club
  5.  Cooking club

Spring 1 2024 meeting outcomes


The Communication Team wanted to know where pupils felt that they learned best in the school and where they would like learning to take place more often.

See the results below. 

Staff were informed of the outcomes and discussions were had about how these outcomes can be built into daily lessons. 

Where would you like to spend more time learning in the school? 

1. Multi-purpose hall

2. Eco-bus

3. The library

4. The lookout

5. The outdoor classroom

  • Howe Dell Primary School
  • The Runway, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AH
  • 01707 263291