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Howe Dell Primary School


Music Subject Intent


At Howe Dell we want to provide our children with a lifelong love of Music.  This is achieved by inspiring lessons and extra- curricular activities.  The children gain confidence in expressing themselves through music and widen their understanding of music from different times and cultures.  Our curriculum is designed to be accessible for all children.  In Music lessons there is clear progression of skills.  The areas covered are listening and appraising, singing, playing instruments, improvising, composing and performing.  The music curriculum follows the Charanga scheme.  This incorporates the aims and subject content of the Music National Curriculum.  Music is enriched at Howe Dell with First Access, where children in Year 4 have the opportunity to learn a stringed instrument with their class.  There is a Choir for KS2 and peripatetic lessons for individual children to learn an instrument.



Music Progression of Skills

  • Howe Dell Primary School
  • The Runway, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AH
  • 01707 263291