Year 3 Class 2
How can I support my child at home with their learning?
At Howe Dell, we use Google Classrooms to share home learning with parents. All children have been given a username and password. Please speak to your class teacher if you are not sure how to login.
Home learning is set weekly on a Friday on Google Classroom. Please make sure you log on every week to check what work has been set and when it is due in. We do not usually set work during holidays.
We also expect children to be reading 5 times a week or more and this includes both scheme and free readers.
> On a PC (laptop/desktop computer):
To login to the Google Classroom, pupils need to visit and log in using the details their teacher has provided for them.
> On a mobile device (tablet/smartphone):
Google Classroom is best accessed through the dedicated Google Classroom app which is available on the App Store.
Maths | My Maths | Times Table Rock Stars |
Wider Curriculum
Curriculum Visions
Meet the teacher 2023
Curriculum Flyers
Spring Term Photos
Autumn Term
Useful links to use at home
Useful links to practise your times tables target
Useful websites for learning about time