Science Subject Intent
Howe Dell’s Science Curriculum encourages children to be curious and inquisitive learners, through the specific disciplines of Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Children acquire the confidence to use their enquiry skills and work scientifically to ask and answer questions. Teachers deliver our curriculum using CUSP resources and Curriculum Visions; this is tailored to meet the needs of the children within our school, for instance by using pictorial prompts and practical resources.
At Howe Dell we are privileged to have within our grounds allotments, two nature trails, an ECO bus and a wildlife habitat where the children learn to take care of living things and the environment. We use these destinations to promote children’s curiosity through applying their learning and providing them with hands on learning experiences. We also incorporate opportunities for the children to use equipment designed for scientific enquiry: for instance in Year 6, the children design their own investigation on mould growth and explore the optimal environment in which it needs to grow. This allows the children to apply their knowledge from the taught curriculum to their own investigation.
We enrich the Science curriculum through experiences, such as Year 5’s visit to Kew Gardens where they observe and learn about plants from different parts of the world.
Through the use of the CUSP resources we ensure that we embed scientific vocabulary within the learning so that the children have a deep and rich understanding of our topics. This is interlinked with the progression of skills that the children acquire during their time at Howe Dell.